2024-05-14 nz registrar news May 2024

Welcome to the .nz registrar update. You are receiving it because you are subscribed to the .nz registry updates.

In today’s email:

  • IRS 8.16 release

  • .nz registrar summit

  • Upcoming .nz Rules change

  • Conflicted names consultation

  • DNSSEC incident presentation at NZNOG

  • .nz insights: 2LDs ratio

  • Security breaches reminder

IRS 8.16 release dates and testing

We are preparing for the next IRS release that includes all the revisions and updates made since version 8.7

The planned schedule for this release is:

  • 20 May 2024 — 8.16 release into OTE/testing

  • 16 June 2024 — 8.16 release into Production

You can find the IRS release 8.16 change log on the InternetNZ Product Documentation website

Your testing window is 20 May - 5 June, and we strongly encourage you to test your processes before the release is deployed to production. Testing can continue after this window, but any release changes that cause material risk must be reported to InternetNZ by the end of the day NZST 5 June 2024.

.nz Registrar Summit

The .nz team and Domain Name Commission are seeking expressions of interest in a potential .nz Registrar Summit to take place on 4 September 2024 in Wellington, New Zealand.

The summit would take place alongside the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre conference, APNIC 58, so it’s a unique opportunity to connect with fellow registrars and other Internet professionals, meet the .nz team and DNC team and talk about all things .nz.

You may hear from us via email or phone about the summit in the coming days.

Upcoming .nz Rules change

The consultation on the next round of minor amendments to the .nz Rules is open. You can read about the current consultation and see proposed .nz Rules changes on the InternetNZ website

Please provide your submission to dotnzreview@internetnz.net.nz by 10 June 2024.

Conflicted names consultation

This month, InternetNZ has started consulting with some of your customers, .nz domain name holders with preferences lodged for the remaining conflicted domain names.

Further information on this policy review is available on the InternetNZ website

Please contact registry@internetnz.net.nz for a list of your managed domains in a conflict set or if you have any questions about the consultation.

.nz insights: 2LDs ratio in 2023-2024 FY

Our analysis shows that the second levels ratio was consistent throughout the financial year (1 April 2023-31 March 2024). As expected, .co.nz dominated the namespace with 70% of all domains under management, and .nz came in second at 21%. All other second levels combined stayed at the 7.6-7.7% mark.


DNSSEC incident presentation at NZNOG

The .nz team took part in the NZNOG conference in Nelson last month. The .nz Operations Manager Josh Simpson has presented on the DNSSEC incident resolution, lessons learned and next steps.

The presentation recording is available on YouTube

Security breaches reminder

As per the Registrar connection agreement and the .nz Rules, registrars must inform InternetNZ of any security breaches that may affect the registry’s integrity or inform DNC of any security matters concerning domain name holders and their personal information.

Subscribe to this newsletter

All the important .nz registry updates come via this newsletter, so we advise our registrars to stay subscribed to these emails.

Please share the subscription link with your team members who need to receive the .nz updates.

Kind regards

.nz team