2022-06-31 InternetNZ Registry System, IRS, go-live date is 1 November 2022ΒΆ
Kia ora!
The go-live date for the new InternetNZ Registry System (IRS) is Tuesday, 1 November 2022, NZST. This is the final date, and we are not intending to move the deployment of the IRS further.
Check the IRS documentation for the high-level registry replacement plan and timetable.
Key dates before the go-live:
31 August 2022: all registrars must complete their own testing against the IRS in the OTE, regardless of their previous experience of using the platform with other TLDs. You can find the technical testing guide on the InternetNZ Product Documentation website. InternetNZ Product Documentation website
September 2022: we will send out mandatory operational tests. All registrars need to complete these tests in OTE as part of the IRS onboarding process.
Please reach out to registry.replacement@internetnz.net.nz if you have any questions.