2022-05-31 nz registry target go-live date has changedΒΆ
Kia ora
We are reaching out to let you know that the target go-live date for the new InternetNZ Registry System (IRS) has changed. On May 31, the .nz registry replacement team completed the planned internal migration readiness evaluation. While the majority of our work streams are on track, including the customisations of the IRS platform, supply chain issues and the impact of COVID-19 have caused delays to some critical components of our deployment. Given the nature of these delays we have decided to move the current August go-live date.
New key dates June 30, 2022 is next go-live checkpoint. Then we will announce the new go-live date on the week of June 30, 2022. The new go-live date will not be before October 2022.
The additional time will allow us to ensure the quality and reliability of the new registry and hopefully assist you with your resource allocation toward a smooth migration.
We have updated the high-level registry replacement plan and the timetable on the InternetNZ Product Documentation website to reflect the new changes.
Please reach out to registry.replacement@internetnz.net.nz if you have any questions.