Bulk Transfer Process

As per the DNC Operations and Procedures Policy - provides a bulk transfer process for large-scale transfers between registrars.

If you would like to use the bulk transfer process please contact: info@dnc.org.nz


During a bulk transfer standard transfer in/away system messages will be generated and you need to ensure your systems are prepared to handle these.

SRS Registrars

For SRS registrars the bulk transfer utilizes the standard DomainUpdate transfer process.


The bulk transfer process will generate system messages for both losing and gaining registrars which will be retrieved via your standard GetMessages polling.

EPP Registrars

For EPP registrars bulk transfers utilise the same internal transfer process as a normal EPP Transfer.

Contact Objects

As the transfer of contact objects are not supported in SRS our processes will generate new “nzrs_auto_XXXXXX” contact objects. These contact objects are ‘read only’ and the registrar will need to generate their own contact objects for updates.

Poll Messages

As the bulk transfer process utilizes our standard transfer process EPP poll messages will be generated for each domain by default for both losing and gaining registrars.

If you are concerned about the number of EPP poll messages that will be generated please contact registry@internetnz.net.nz as we can reset your poll queue following the transfer.