UDAI Expiry - 2014

A UDAI is a randomly generated unique identifier that is required to authenticate requests to transfer domain names from one registrar to another. In 2014 DNCL approved a small number of amendments related to UDAIs in the following policies:

These changes came into effect on 5 September 2014 and resulted in the following impact to registrars and registrants:

  • UDAIs now expire after 30 days

  • SRS only automatically generates a new UDAI on initial registration only.

More information on how this impacts registrars and the SRS is detailed in the sections below.

Previous UDAI Behaviour

A UDAI was previously generated when:

  • A domain name was registered.

  • A change in registrant contact details was made.

  • A domain name was transferred.

  • A new UDAI was requested.

Under this system a UDAI did not expire which was identified as a security risk.

Current UDAI Behaviour

  1. UDAIs expire:
    • 30 days after generation.

    • After a domain transfer (and a new one will not be automatically created post transfer).

  2. New UDAIs will be created:
    • Upon request.

    • During initial registration of a domain.

  3. New UDAIs are NOT created when:
    • a domain is transferred.

    • a change in Registrant contact details is made.

SRS and EPP transactions to Generate and Validate UDAI

Registrars can validate a UDAI using either of the following transactions:

Registrars can generate a new UDAI using either of the following transactions:

  • SRS DomainUpdate request with the NewUDAI parameter

    ( see srs-transactions - DomainUpdate )

  • EPP domain:update request

    ( see epp-commands - domain:update )