.. _irsote: IRS - Operational Testing Environment (OTE) ============================================ :download:`IRS Registrar Guide 8.7` :download:`InternetNZ Registry System (IRS) registrar technical testing guide` .. _servers_ote: URL servers, and Ports ------------------------- ====================== ================================ ============== ========= ============ ============= Interface Server/URL IP Port TCP/UDP: Description ====================== ================================ ============== ========= ============ ============= Portal https://ote.irs.net.nz/portal/ 443 TCP HTTP over TLS EPP epp.ote.irs.net.nz 700 TCP EPP over mTLS TBR tbr.ote.irs.net.nz 700 TCP TBR over mTLS WHOIS whois.ote.irs.net.nz 43 TCP WHOIS ====================== ================================ ============== ========= ============ ============= .. _raraccts: Registrar accounts -------------------- With the IRS portal admin user account provided you will be able to set up and manage other registrar users of the Portal as well as EPP API. ====================== =============================== Account type Permissions ====================== =============================== Admin can manage registrar information, registrar contacts, users, droplist connections and IP allowlist cannot manage domains, contacts, or hosts EPP has access to the EPP interface to execute commands; Finance can view registrar information and registrar financial reports; Read-Only can view registrar information domains, contacts, hosts, but cannot change any settings; Security has access to registry lock service options; this role must be assigned by a registry user; Support can manage registrar information, domains, contacts and hosts; cannot manage users or IP allowlists. ====================== =============================== .. _IP_whitelisting: IP Allowlist -------------------- Registrar are able to manage your own IP allowlist for Portal, EPP and TBR use: In the IRS Portal, click on the Admin menu. Click on Registrar settings. Scroll down to the bottom on the right hand side, there will be an IP Allowlist Settings. .. image:: images/new_registrar_IP_allow.png About IRS OTE environment ---------------------------------------- It is important to note that the IRS OTE environment is not complete and some settings may change. If you encounter any issues or problems please let our support team know. This OTE has no production data or any test data pre-seeded for you. You will need to start with creating contact and host objects and then create some domains to do your testing. **Please note:** In the event that we need to rebuild this environment, you may lose your test data, we will try to give you plenty of advance notice. The documentation included is still under development, please let us know if you find anything missing or if you find anomalies. To assist in testing please refer to the `IRS Registrar Guide 8.0 `_ (download PDF) Domain lifecycle settings ------------------------- * Grace period for renewals, and registrations have been set to 1 day (they are 5 days in production). * The auto-renewal grace period has also been set to 1 day (45 days in production) * The Redemption Grace Period (Pending Release) has been set to 2 days (90 days in production). This has been done to assist you to simulate lifecycle testing in a shorter timetable. EPP extensions ---------------- See :ref:`epp` .nz specific customisations ------------------------------ see :ref:`irstech_chg` **Version Release and updates** With each release we will add new feature documentation here. During a release the OTE will have some outage time which will be communicate to registrars in advance along with a change log. **Questions and Queries** Please forward any questions or queries to registry@internetnz.net.nz You can also ask questions over the `Slack channel `_ |